Hazrati Xizr majmuasi

Hazrati Xizr masjidi shahrimizdagi eng muqaddas qadamjo va me’moriy obidalardan biri, Samarqandning birinchi masjididir.
Bu masjid shahar tashqarisida, Afrosiyob tepaligida, Ohanin darvozasi ro‘parasida joylashgan. Vaqf hujjati muhrida hijriy 1239 yil (1823-1824) sanasi yozilganligi o‘sha davrda masjidning faoliyat ko‘rsatganligini bildiradi.
Masjid yonida eng qadimiy va muqaddas “Arziz” qudugʻi joylashgan boʻlib, u qadimda koʻmilgan. 2002-yil sentabr oyida qirq metr chuqurlikdagi quduq tozalanib, asl holiga keltirildi.

Hazrat Khizr complex

Hazrat Khizr Mosque is one of the holiest shrines and architectural monuments of our city, the first mosque of Samarkand. This mosque is located outside the city on the hill of Afrosiyab, opposite the Ohanin gate.
The fact that the date 1239 AH (1823-1824) was written on the seal of the foundation document means that the mosque was active at that time.
Next to the mosque there is the most ancient and holy well “Arziz”, which was buried long ago. In September 2002, a forty-meter deep well was cleaned and restored to its original state.