Registon dunyodagi eng goʼzal maydonlar sirasiga kiradi, uni Markaziy Osiyo durdonasi deb atashadi. Registon ushbu nomga uni uch tomondan oʼrab turgan betakror uch meʼmoriy ansambl: Ulugʼbek madrasasi, Sherdor madrasasi va Tillakori madrasasidan iborat oʼrta asrlar Sharq meʼmorchiligining noyob obidalari tufayli musharaf boʼlgan. Mazkur ansambl Islom olami inshootlari orasida eng ulugʼvori hisoblanadi.


Registan is one of the most beautiful places in the world, it is called the masterpiece of Central Asia. Registon received this name due to the unique monuments of medieval Eastern architecture, consisting of three unique architectural ensembles surrounding it on three sides: the Ulugbek madrasa, the Sherdor madrasa, and the Tillakori madrasa. This ensemble is considered the most magnificent among the buildings of the Islamic world.