🌐Madrasa Sherdor!

Mirzo Ulug‘bek madrasasining peshtaxtasi ro‘parasida Sherdor madrasasining yon tomonlarida baland nog‘oralarga o‘ralgan gumbazlari va fasadining yupqa minoralari va burchaklari bilan ulug‘vor ko‘tarilgan. Asosan, har ikki madrasaning rejasi bir xil bo‘lib, Sherdor Mirzo Ulug‘bek madrasasidan ikki asr kechroq (1618) amir Imomqulixonning ulug‘ arbobi, Alchinlar oilasidan bo‘lgan o‘zbek Yalangtush-biy-Bahodur tomonidan qurilgan.

🌐Madrasah Sherdor!

Opposite the front of the Mirzo Ulugbek madrasa, the Sherdar madrasa rises majestically with its domes wrapped in tall drums and thin minarets and corners of its facade. Basically, the plan of both madrasas is the same, two centuries later (1618) than the Sherdor Mirzo Ulugbek madrasa, the great figure of Amir Imamqulikhan, the Uzbek Yalangtush-bi-Bahodur from the Alchin family.