Amir Temur maqbarasi

Amir Temur tug‘ilgan shahri — Shahrisabz bo‘lib o‘ziga atab hashamatli bino qurdirgan va marmartoshdan sag‘ana yasatgan. Amir Temur to‘satdan vafot etgandan keyin shunday siyosiy vaziyat vujudga keldiki, uning jasadi Samarqanddagi nabirasi uchun solingan maqbaraga dafn etildi. Shuning uchun Shahrisabzda toshdan tayyorlangan daxma ustiga buyuk Amir Temurning nomi yozilgan plita o‘rnaitlmagan. Mirzo Ulug‘bek bobosiga taqlid qilib, Go‘ri Amir maqbarasi yonida zodagonlarni dafn etish uchun katta qurilish ishlarini boshlab yuborgan, deyishga asos bor. Maqbaradagi daxma chiroyliligi jihatidan Shahrisabzda Temur qurdirgan daxmadan qolishmaydi.

🖥Amir Temur mausoleum

Amir Temur was born in Shahrisabz, where he built a luxurious building for himself and made a marble saghana. After the sudden death of Amir Temur, such a political situation arose that his body was buried in a mausoleum built for his grandson in Samarkand. That is why there is no plaque with the name of the great Amir Temur on the stone hut in Shahrisabz. There is reason to say that Mirza Ulugbek imitated his grandfather and started large construction works for the burial of nobles near the Gori Amir mausoleum. In terms of beauty, the hut in the mausoleum is not inferior to the hut built by Temur in Shahrisabz.