Chorsu yodgorligi:
Chorsu yodgorligi Samarqand shahridagi eng yosh meʼmoriy obidalardan biri boʼlib , soʼnggi yuz ellik yil ichida qurilgan meʼmoriy inshoot hisoblandi.
       Ushbu inshoot Buxoro amiri Shohmurod (Аmiri Maʼsum) tomonidan bunyod etilgan boʼlib, manbalarda qayd etilishicha uni bunyod etishda Аmir Temur jomeʼ masjidi gʼishtlaridan foydalanilgan. Markazida gumbaz oʼrnatilgan koʼpburchakli bino savdo binosi sifatida qurilib, hozirga qadar shu maqsadda qoʼllanilib kelinmoqda.

Du you know about the monuments in our city?

Chorsu monument: Chorsu monument is one of the youngest architectural monuments in the city of Samarkand, and it was considered an architectural structure built in the last one hundred and fifty years. This building was built by the Emir of Bukhara, Shahmurad (Amiri Ma’sum), and according to the sources, the bricks of the Amir Temur Jame’ Mosque were used in its construction. The polygonal building with a dome in the center was built as a commercial building and is still used for this purpose.